Fraud In 2024 And Going Forward
As we approach the end of the year, it's a good time to reflect back as well as look at some of the new online and security threats that are emerging and how we can protect ourselves going forward. One of the most notable trends in 2024 has been the increased use of generative AI (GenAI) by cybercriminals to create convincing phishing emails and deepfake videos.
These tools have made it easier for attackers to deceive victims and gain unauthorized access to their sensitive information. In the past, phishing emails and fraudsters on the phone could be spotted more easily, but these tools have made this much more difficult, even for trained professionals.
So what can we do? Financial Institutions like CCU have adopted a multi-faceted approach to security. This includes implementing careful member authentication measures so only authorized individuals have access to your data. Regular education for employees and members about the latest phishing tactics and how to recognize them has also been crucial.
As a member, there are several steps you can take to protect your financial information. When you contact the credit union by phone, help us to authenticate you more quickly and with certainty by enrolling in our Voice Authentication system. Always use strong, unique passwords for your online accounts and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) wherever possible.
If you are contacted by someone claiming to work for CCU or our partners, be skeptical. Never give your password or any security/MFA codes to anyone, ever. Only fraudsters ask for those – no legitimate caller ever will. Staying informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and threats can help you recognize potential scams and avoid falling victim to them.
By working together, we will create a more secure digital environment and ensure the safety of your financial assets.