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Skip a Loan Payment
up to 2X a Year

Skip a loan payment today. 


Skip-A-Pay Opportunity

Members with an auto loan or personal loan have the opportunity to skip a monthly payment up to 2X per year. 

To skip a qualified loan payment(s), log in to CCU online banking, click the loan account , next click on Account Services, and then click "Skip-A-Pay!" Follow the prompts to apply1. A $45 per loan processing fee is required to participate in Skip-A-Pay.

Skip-A-Pay for auto and personal loans will be processed for your next eligible loan payment. The ‘next payment due’ at the time of the request will be deferred to the end of your current contract.

This promotion is available for consumer loans (non-real estate) with monthly contracted repayment terms. Loans that have already skipped two (2) loan payments within the last twelve (12) months are not eligible.

Log in to Online Banking

1Make sure you are using the most up to date browser. 

Skip-A-Pay Qualifications

Qualifications for auto and personal loan skips:

  • Must not be paid ahead more than 60 days
  • Loan must be open for at least 90 days
  • Must have at least 3 months payment history
  • Minimum payment of $100
  • Loan is in good standing
  • Must have up-to-date insurance filed for auto loans

Other terms and conditions may apply

All approved applicants are responsible to stop and restart any loan payment(s) scheduled via online banking or as a pre-authorized automatic payment from another financial institution. CCU cannot stop pre-authorized payments toward your loan on your behalf.