Protecting Elderly Family From Financial Predators
Millions of elderly Americans lose money to financial fraud and scams each year. Scammers will try to contact targets in person, on the phone, through the computer, radio, TV ads, email and text. They often pressure folks to act quickly. But YOU can protect yourself and older loved ones you might have with the power of knowledge!
Five of the most common scams affecting elderly Americans are:

Get Help
Call the Elder Fraud Hotline at 833.372.8311, Monday through Friday, 9 am – 5 pm Central Time, or go to National Elder Fraud Hotline | Resources | Office for Victims of Crime.
- English/Español/Other languages available
- This free resource is staffed by experienced case managers who provide support but do not investigate cases.
Visit the Elder Justice Website at
One of the best ways to avoid financial fraud is to know the scams. Learn about types of financial scams at or
This article is shared by our partners at GreenPath Financial Wellness, a trusted national non-profit.